How We Work ?
We conduct research at every level, depending on the need and available resources. This can include anything from intensive preliminary discussions with clients, to desk and literature research, to consulting with academic and field experts, to focus groups and polling among target audiences, and to the analysis of relevant big-data sources that we can access in line with European data protection standards. These activities are equally applied to measurements of performance, effect, impact, and success.
Our research product informs every stage of our approach to strategy. This ensures that strategy development is entirely specific to the client challenge, and continually refreshed and refined by the insights we accumulate over time. In turn, this feeds into the development of operational solutions that are uniquely adapted to prevailing conditions and circumstances. We don’t make untested assumptions about what will or won’t work, and we don’t come into the ops room with a cookie-cutter – though our collective campaigning experience is often a handy guide to what has worked elsewhere. Capacity and team building is central to our ethos and built into every campaign design. Behaviour-changing campaigns – be they elections or countering bad actors in whatever form – are not won by international teams flying in to deliver turn-key solutions. They are won through a combination of global and local experience, expertise and capability, with each side informing and learning from the other. Winning the next election or launching a national campaign might be an immediate goal, but we believe in leaving behind a capacity for the long-term – by helping develop a local team with the skills and systems to deliver effective communications in years to come.
The Change network
Specialist communicators in elections, governance, human development, and reduction of conflict
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